Lo and behold, here is the first chapter of another new project, Zere Sacrifice.
Cliffhanger ending, with the introduction of the aforementioned red-eyed man. Not much shown about him, but we shall see. :)
And I really wish that a certain character would come back to life. Who knows, it might actually happen. :D
I really suck at writing these intro thingies, so I'll stop wasting your time and give you the first chapter!
Hope you guys enjoy it. ;)
thanks so much for this new project!!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the chapter, I really enjoyed this chapter ^ ^
ReplyDeleteI read Zere Sacrifice!!! Is so greatt!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the release!! >.<
@Zabou: you're welcome! :)
ReplyDelete@Rosen: Glad you liked it. :)And gl with the project. ^_^
@kappiih: You're welcome. :D haha