Saturday, November 13, 2010

Love Sick cover

Well, a while ago someone requested if I could share the colour of v1.
I agreed, but since I'm an idiot, 'colour' translated into 'cover' in my brain.
I'm really sorry, but love sick v1 actually has no colour pages. I'm disappointed too.
But here's the cover that never got shown:
(and once again, I'm really sorry about the confusion I caused.)
This is all I can share. T_T

And on a side note, after I'm done with Kuranoa, Love Sick ch4 is coming up. But you've probably already figured that out :)


  1. Lol my brain does that sometimes too, so embarrassing ;x anyways thanks for the cover, its colored all the same lol and pretty. I can't wait for chapter 4... I'm hoping this is gonna be a long series. :D I think I have a soft spot for Natsu he's so cutee ^^

  2. In all your perfection, thanks for sharing your human side as well with us... I have to admit... that happens to me very frequently :-/

  3. @Tiktakic: He is adorable, and all will be revealed in time :P I think my favourite is actually Fuyu, have no idea why. *sigh I really wish there was a proper colour page though.
    @Anonymous: Lol, I am far from perfect. I have so many ditzy moments. But thanks :) haha
